About us

Welcome to Aflotilla. 

Our story begins with a wedding present! In 1978 a couple from county cork were given a model sailing ship as a gift on their wedding day. The ship moved with them from house to house, from room to room, and finally found its way into the bedroom of their middle child, David. I'm David! I spent my early years using that ship as a battleship for my toy soldiers. Sadly, after an epic sea battle, the ship was destroyed by torpedoes, that looked very similar to AA batteries.  But that ship began my love of model sailing ships. 

Later in life, while on holiday in Vietnam, I came across a small family-run enterprise in a small coastal town. The family-run business was creating model ships from scratch. No model kits were used in their work. Each piece was lovingly created. I was amazed by their craftsmanship and accuracy. Once back in Ireland I kept in contact with them and began ordering ships for my own collection. This hobby has now evolved into Aflotilla.com. 

Aflotilla.com sells premium quality, genuinely handcrafted model ships. 

We stock a wide range of sailing, cargo, cruise, pirate, and junk ships. Our Ships in Bottles are proving to be a huge hit!

If you want us to make a specific boat, or maybe even make a replica of your own boat, contact us for a quote. 

Thanks for reading our story. 

I'd love to hear from you.



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